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Contract-to-Contract (C2C) Lending

C2C Borrowers are smart contract systems on an Outpost that have been approved by the Martian Council to 'borrow' tokens from that Outpost's Red Bank on a contract-to-contract ("C2C") basis. Unlike ordinary Red Bank borrowers, C2C Borrowers do not need to overcollateralize their loans from the Red Bank with matching deposits into the Red Bank--instead, due to pre-programmed compatibility between the Red Bank and a liquidation engine for the borrowing smart contract system, the Red Bank holds an indirect, virtual 'smart lien' on the borrowed tokens. Because of this, the borrowed tokens can be liquidated from the C2C Borrower and the proceeds of that liquidation paid to the Red Bank to maintain the Red Bank's solvency.

In Mars v2, the primary C2C Borrower from Red Banks will be the Credit Manager smart contract, through its user-specific Rovers (credit accounts). Rovers may then become higher-order C2C lenders into Vaults and other third-party smart contract systems (such as AMM pools).